This is an old authentic Root recipe. Using resins, herbs, and flowers, they are ground up to a powder to burn as incense. Eightfold Hearth incense powder is used to promote a safe, warm, loving home. Use this when moving to a new place, or re-establishing comfort and love in your space. Burn this on a charcoal disc. See the Additional Info section on how to use a charcoal disc. This a 2 oz jar.
Eightfold Hearth Incense Powder
Using tongs, hold the charcoal and light it from the curved bottom. Once it starts to emit orange sparkles (sort of like fireworks), you can then place it on a bed of coarse sea salt in a heat safe dish. Allow the sparkling to stop and when white ash starts to form, you can then sprinkle a little of your powder incense on it and focus on your intentions.